Krissy Beaugrand is a Daughter, Mom, Gigi, Aunt, Cousin and Best Friend to many. Krissy was recently on vacation in Cape Coral, Florida. While crossing the street one day on her way home, she was hit by a motor vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. She was rushed to the trauma ER to find that she broke her pelvis, both ankles, both knees, tibia, wrist, fractured four ribs, injured vertebrae and is recovering from a major laceration on her head. She has undergone multiple, extensive surgeries to repair her beautiful body and soul. This incident has turned her life upside down. Her road to recovery will be a journey and one we know she will conquer emotionally and physically, as that is just who she is. She is a fighter, and more than anything, she always moves forward and onward. She has not been able to work for months, and will not be able to work until she is fully recovered--all while hospital bills continue to accumulate. She has already spent over a month in the hospital. Her love for life and positive spirit continue to get her through this one day at a time. She is grateful to the Porcaro family for their generosity during this difficult time.
Krissy is local independent business owner and has been a supporter every year to Porcaro Family Charities. Now it is time for us to support her, in her time of need.